M-16DX 16-Channel Digital Mixer
Using the M-16DX with a DAW
© 2007 Roland Corporation U.S.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Roland Corporation U.S.
Windows XP™, Windows XP 64-bit Edition™ , Windows Vista™, and Windows Vista 64-bit Edition™ are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft Corporation is not associated or affiliated with Roland in any manner.
Mac OS X™ is a trademark of Apple Inc. Apple Inc. is not associated or affiliated with Roland in any manner.
About Multitrack Session Monitoring
How Audio Gets Into a DAW
Once you’ve set everything up:
Audio arrives at an M-16DX input channel—When you connect a mic,
instrument, or other audio device to an M-16DX input jack, its audio is
automatically routed to the corresponding M-16DX input channel.
While modern electronic devices do things astoundingly fast, things still
take a little time to do. It only makes sense that it takes some time for audio
to travel from a voice or instrument to an audio interface, then through a
cable to a computer’s hardware, through that hardware to the computer’s
system software, from that software to a DAW’s track, and then from the
track to your ears. The musical ear is very sensitive to even tiny timing issues,
which—of course—amount to rhythmic issues in music.
The lag in time that occurs as audio travels from a mic or instrument into
and out of a DAW track is called “latency,” and it’s enough of a lag to make
performing perfectly in time along with the DAW’s metronome or already
recorded tracks difficult, or even impossible with a slower computer.
This is because when you listen to yourself through a
DAW while recording, latency causes the “you” that you
hear to be late compared to the DAW’s timing. What
you’ll hear is rhythmically a bit off—just how bad the
latency is depends on the speed of your computer
and a few other things. Even though your recorded
You select the desired M-16DX channel
or main mix bus as the audio a DAW
track will record—Each track in a DAW
can record audio from any M-16DX
input or its main mix bus.
What you hear is not
what you get.
performance may actually be in time, that’s not what
you’ll hear as you record.
Once you’ve recorded audio into a DAW, any changes you want to make
to the recorded audio’s sound get made in the DAW itself, including any
effects you want to add. When you mix, you also mix inside the DAW.
Fortunately, there’s a solution.
Zero-Latency Monitoring
How You Listen to What You’re Doing
When the M-16DX is connected to a computer via USB, the audio output
of the computer is returned to the M-16DX through its stereo USB channel,
Channel 13/14. This allows you to monitor the DAW’s output side-by-side
with what you’re currently recording using zero-latency monitoring.
When you’re working with a DAW, your listening, or “monitoring,” setup
depends on the kind of session you’re working on:
In a multitrack session—you record voices and instruments on their own
tracks. You can use this technique for building an arrangement a track-
at-a-time, or for doing a live recording of an entire group. Each track
records audio from a single M-16DX mono or stereo input channel.
With faster systems, latency can be more subtle, and you may choose
to listen through the DAW as you record anyway so you can hear the
DAW’s effects. Still, since there’s always some lag no matter how fast
your system is, we generally recommend zero-latency monitoring.
In a two-track session—you capture a final musical performance by one
or more musicians on a single stereo DAW track by recording from the
M-16DX’s main mix bus.
When you listen to the M-16DX stereo main mix bus with zero-latency
monitoring, what you hear is
If you listen to the DAW in the M-16DX’s main mix while you’re
recording that same mix into the DAW, the DAW’s output gets sent back
to itself in a feedback loop.
what you’re recording—directly through its M-16DX channel.
the DAW’s output—including its metronome and/or already-recorded
tracks, through M-16DX Channel 13/14.
When you play back the recording, you turn on Channel 13/14’s USB button
and listen to the DAW.
Channel 13/14’s
USB button is lit
during recording
and playback in a
multitrack session.
Channel 13/14’s USB
button is lit during
playback in a two-
track session.
About Two-Track Session Monitoring
Setting Up
While you’re recording a performer or group live from the M-16DX’s main
mix bus, you turn off Channel 13/14’s USB button and listen only to the
M-16DX’s main mix since it’s what’s being sent to the DAW for recording.
Installing M-16DX Drivers
The M-16DX works with the following computer operating (OS) systems:
Windows XP™
Mac OS X™
Windows XP 64-bit Edition™
In a two-track
session, Channel
13/14’s USB button
is unlit during
Windows Vista 32-bit Edition™ • Windows Vista 64-bit Edition™
In the following steps we’ll describe the installation of drivers for Windows
XP 32-bit and Mac OS X, the two most common operating systems. (All of the
M-16DX driver installers come with installation instructions in any event.)
The following instructions assume you’re familiar with the operation of
your computer. If you’re not, consult its documentation.
Downloading Drivers
Windows XP Driver Installation
Power up your PC with all USB cables disconnected except for your
keyboard and mouse.
Each driver installer includes details regarding the OS system
requirements for its driver, as well as a list of cautions and
If any applications are running, quit them.
Open up the M-16DX_win_xp folder, and double-click the Setup file
inside to display the following window:
Point your browser to the following URL or click the link below:
In your browser, click the Downloads tab.
Locate the desired driver, and click its name.
In the “End-User License Agreement,” click “I AGREE AND WISH
TO PROCEED WITH DOWNLOAD”—the file downloads to your
On a
PC—the downloaded file is automatically uncompressed. Locate
the folder called “M-16DX_win_xp.”
Mac—locate and double-click the M16DXUSBDriver.tar file to
create a folder called “M16DXUSBDriver.”
If an “Install Program as Other User” dialog appears, quit the installer,
and then log in as the system administrator before installing the
M-16DX driver.
Inside your driver folder, you’ll find the driver installer.
Click Next to display the installation start window:
Select Install the software automatically (Recommended), and then
click Next.
If you see the Software Installation window instead of the one
shown above, click Continue Anyway. If you can’t continue,
see “About Driver Signing Options” later in this booklet.
When the driver’s installed, the wizard announces the completion of
the installation process.
A progress bar appears for a moment, and then the following
If the “Software installation” window appears, click Continue
Anyway. If you can’t continue, see “About Driver Signing
Options” later in this booklet.
With the M-16DX’s power turned off, plug one end of the included
USB cable into its USB jack, and the other end into the USB jack on
your computer that you want to use.
If the “System Settings Change” window appears, click Yes to
restart Windows, and jump ahead to “System Settings on Your
Computer” after restarting.
Turn on the M-16DX—after a few moments, the PC’s Found New
Hardware Wizard opens.
Click Finish.
If you’re asked if you want to connect to Windows Update, select No,
not this time, and then click Next.
Windows displays “Your new hardware is ready to use.”
If the Driver Setup window’s still open, click its Close button.
Jump ahead to “System Settings on Your Computer.”
Should you ever need to remove the M-16DX driver from your system,
the driver installer folder also contains an uninstaller. You can hold
onto this file, or re-download the driver folder later should you need
the uninstaller at some point in the future.
About Driver Signing Options
Mac OS X Driver Installation
Start up your computer with all USB cables disconnected except for
your keyboard and mouse.
The Driver Signing window lets you select whether Windows should block
the installation of an unknown driver, warn you about it, or just install it.
Open up the M16DXUSBDriver folder, and double-click the
M16DXUSBDriver.pkg file inside to display the following window:
In the Start menu, select Control Panel.
If you’re in
Category View—click Performance and Maintenance, and then
click System.
Classic View—double-click System.
If you see this dialog at any time during the installation process, click
Click the Hardware tab, and then click Driver Signing.
Set “What action do you want Windows to take?” to Ignore or Warn.
Click OK to close the Driver Signing window.
Click Continue—the installer scans your hard drives before displaying
them in a new window.
Click your bootup hard drive so that a green arrow appears on it as
shown above.
Click OK to close the System Properties window.
Return to the driver installation instructions earlier in this booklet.
Click Continue, and then click Install, or Upgrade if you’ve previously
installed an earlier version of the M-16DX driver.
System Settings for Your Computer
If the computer asks you to enter your computer’s administrator
password, type it in and click OK.
Optimizing Your Windows PC for Audio
To optimize Windows XP for DAW audio operations
When the computer tells you you’ll need to restart the computer
after the installation, click Continue Installation.
In the Start menu, select Control Panel.
If you’re in
Category View—click Performance and Maintenance, and then
click System.
Classic View—double-click System.
After the driver’s been installed, you’ll see this screen.
Click Restart.
Click the Advanced tab, and then click the Performance Settings
After the computer restarts, with the M-16DX turned off, plug one
end of the included USB cable into its USB jack, the other end into a
USB jack on your computer, and then turn on the M-16DX.
Read “System Settings on Your Computer” in the next column.
Should you ever need to remove the M-16DX driver from your system,
the driver installer folder also contains an uninstaller. You can hold
onto this file, or re-download the driver folder later on should you
need the uninstaller at some point in the future.
In the Performance Options window, click the Advanced tab.
Select Background Services as shown here.
Sending Windows XP System Sounds to the M-16DX
In the Start menu, select Control Panel.
If you’re in
Category View—click Sounds, Speech, and Audio Devices, and
then click Sounds and Audio Devices.
Classic View—double-click Sounds and Audio Devices.
Click OK to close the Performance Options window, and then click OK
to close the System Properties window.
Click the Hardware tab to display a list of devices.
You’ll find more tips on tweaking Windows XP for recording and
Using the M-16DX for System Sounds
In addition to using the M-16DX with a DAW, you can use it for all of your
computer’s operating system sounds if you like. The following sections
explain how to set this up.
It’s a good idea to turn off your system sounds while you’re actually
working with your DAW for a couple of reasons. First, they may
provide an extra burden for your computer’s processor when it’s busy
recording and playing tracks in your DAW. Second, if you’re recording
the M-16DX’s main mix bus into your DAW in a two-track session, the
system sounds will be included in the recording.
Double-click your current sound card in the list.
Sending Mac OS X System Sounds to the M-16DX
Open your System Preferences window.
You’ll need to disable the sound card so it doesn’t conflict with the
M-16DX. If you want to disable the card
Click Sound—circled above—to open the Sound control panel.
Click the Output tab, and select EDIROL M-16DX.
for the current user of the PC—set Device usage to Do not use this
device in the current hardware profile (disable).
for all users of the PC— set Device usage to Do not use this device
in any hardware profile (disable).
Click OK.
In the list, double-click EDIROL M-16DX.
In the Sound control panel, you’ll see the M-16DX’s current sample rate
after “EDIROL M-16DX.” We’ll discuss sample rates in a bit.
Set Device usage to Use this device (enable), and then click OK.
Click the Input tab, and select EDIROL M-16DX.
Matching Sample Rates
In digital audio, the number of times per second that a sample—
essentially a snapshot—is taken of your audio is called the “sample
rate.” CDs use a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz, or 44,100 samples per
The M-16DX can operate at 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, and 90 kHz sampling rates, and
you can select any one with which your DAW is also compatible. Use
44.1 kHz—if you’re recording music strictly for CD. Since 44.1 kHz is
the sampling rate CDs use, you’ll avoid having to apply sample-rate
conversion later on.
Close the Preferences window.
48 kHz—for slightly better audio quality than 44.1 kHz if your destination
media isn’t a CD. If it is, you can still use 48 kHz, but the sample-rate
conversion process you’ll need to get the recording onto a CD will
probably take away any benefits the higher sample rate’s gotten you.
The M-16DX Driver Settings
The M-16DX driver installer adds an M-16DX control panel to Windows, and
a Preferences pane to Mac OS X. In these windows, you’ll find controls you
may need as you set up and work with your DAW.
96 kHz—for very high-quality audio. Again this is mostly for recordings
not destined for CD, for the same reasons as 48 kHz.
You set the sample rate for the M-16DX in its UTILITY screen, by setting the
Sample Freq parameter as described in the Using the M-16DX with a DAW
Workshop booklet.
After you change the M-16DX’s sample rate while it’s connected to a
computer via USB, you’ve got to either power the off and back for the
sample rate change to take effect, or disconnect and reconnect either
end of the USB cable connecting the M-16DX and the computer.
The sample rate of the M-16DX and your DAW has to be the same to ensure
the successful passing of audio back and forth via USB. In the case of
Windows XP
Mac OS X
system sounds—your computer will automatically change its sample
rate to match when the M-16DX’s sample rate is changed.
To gain access to your individual M-16DX channels within your DAW in
Windows XP, checkmark the Use Separated Ports Audio Port parameter.
your DAW—it’s a good idea to quit and re-launch your DAW after
changing the M-16DX’s sample rate. Also, make sure the sample rate
of any new project you create matches the M-16DX’s sample rate. If
you’re working on a pre-existing project, set the M-16DX’s sample rate
to match the project’s.
The Audio Buffer size parameter can be helpful if you’re having trouble
successfully record or playing back. Larger buffer settings can get rid of clicks
and pops, though they also increase latency in the DAW.
Getting to Work with the M-16DX and a DAW
Configuring Your DAW
Session Monitoring Procedures
Listening in a Multitrack Session
On the LEVEL
The rest of the setting-up you need to do takes place in your DAW. We’ll
give specific instructions on how to do these things in the individual DAW-
specific Workshop booklets.
When you select an M-16DX mono channel—
or pair of channels—to be recorded on a track
in a DAW, the track grabs the audio from the
channel before it reaches its LEVEL knob. This
means the LEVEL knob has no effect on the
volume of the audio as it’s recorded on the
DAW track. The LEVEL knob only controls the
volume of the channel’s signal as it goes into
the M-16DX’s main mix, which is what you
listen to as you record into the DAW.
Keeping Audio Clean
Getting a clean audio signal when you’re recording electric or electronic
instruments is pretty simple—use good-quality cables. When you’re using
mics, however, a little thought is required.
Audio leaves
the channel
from here.
If you’re recording yourself through mics, it’s a good idea to listen through
headphones connected to the M-16DX’s PHONES jack, whose level is
controlled by the PHONES/CTRL ROOM knob. If you work on speakers, your
mic will pick up the M-16DX’s main mix and that’ll get recorded behind your
audio—not usually a good thing.
While a channel’s LEVEL-knob setting has no effect on the volume of
its signal when it goes to the DAW, the channel’s EQ controls above the
knob do shape the tone of the audio the DAW records.
If you’re recording someone else who’s in your studio while you’re in the
control room
Balancing Your Monitoring Mix
you listen to the M-16DX main mix in your control room—by connecting
the CONTROL ROOM L and R jacks to your control room speaker amp or
to powered speakers. Adjust your listening volume using the PHONES/
As you record, you’ll set up your monitor mix by
setting the desired listening volume of the audio you’re now recording
using its channel’s LEVEL knob.
your performer listens to Aux Bus 1 through headphones—connected to
a headphone amp plugged into the M-16DX’s AUX SEND 1 jack. Locate
the USB to AUX1 parameter in the M-16DX’s UTILITY menu and turn the
parameter on so the DAW’s signal goes to AUX 1. Press the AUX 1 button
so it lights, and then use your input channel’s AUX 1 knob to balance
the performer’s live signal against the audio coming from the DAW.
turning on the USB button and setting the desired
listening volume of the DAW using the Channel 13/14
LEVEL knob.
setting the overall volume of the main mix using
the MAIN MIX LEVEL knob as loud as you can
without lighting the red indicators in the M-16DX’s
main meters.
If you’re recording a group of musicians together, they should listen
through headphones connected to a multi-output headphone amp
plugged into the M-16DX’s AUX SEND 1 jack.
adjusting the volume of your headphones or
speakers using the PHONES/CTRL knob.
Using Effects in Your Monitoring Mix
The Role of the USB Button in Two-Track Recording
The M-16DX’s loop effect—the one produced by its FX processor—adds an
effected copy of a channel’s signal to the M-16DX’s main mix. Since you’re
not recording the main mix, this effected copy isn’t recorded in the DAW.
Since the USB button switches the feed of the DAW into the main mix on or
off, its setting is important. During
recording—turn off the USB button to avoid sending
the DAW’s output, including your new recording, into
the main mix and back to the DAW, over and over.
While loop effects aren’t recorded in a DAW when you’re recording
input channels, Channel 1’s and Channel 2’s insert effects are.
playback—turn on the USB button so it’s lit to hear
your recorded DAW tracks play back after recording.
This means you can use an M-16DX loop effect just to make things sound
better during recording. For example, some singers find it easier to get a
good performance when they hear reverb on their voice. Use as much reverb
or delay as you want in the main mix, since it won’t be going into the DAW.
Recording Setup Procedures
Here’s a general description of the steps you’ll take to set up a DAW track you
want to record—you’ll find specific instructions in the Workshop booklet
detailing the M-16DX’s use with your DAW.
For an introduction to loop and insert effects, see the Getting Started
with the M-16DX Workshop booklet. To learn more about the M-16DX’s
effects, see the Workshop booklet The M-16DX Effects.
Select the Audio You Want to Record
Once the DAW has been configured properly, you’ll typically be able to select
the desired M-16DX input, pair of inputs, or main mix for a track using a pop-
up menu associated with the track.
Two-Track Session Monitoring
What You Hear Is Exactly What You Get
Turn Off Monitoring Through the DAW
In a two-track session, the M-16DX main mix you hear is what you’ll be
recording, so make sure that the volume balance between your channels is
exactly how you want it. Use their LEVEL knobs to set this balance. Also, any
effects you hear will be recorded, so make sure you’re happy with them.
For zero-latency monitoring, you’ll want to begin by making sure you’re not
listening to incoming audio through your DAW. Each DAW has its way of
handling this, In some DAWs:
you can turn off the monitoring of incoming audio globally, for all tracks
at once.
Your main mix level is of critical importance in a two-
track session since it sets the main mix’s recording
level in the DAW. Make the mix as loud as you
can without lighting the M-16DX’s main meters or
overloading the DAW track’s input.
you turn the monitoring of incoming audio off for each individual track.
Since you won’t be listening to your live audio through the DAW, you
won’t hear any DAW effects on the audio until you play it back.
You may want to use the M-16DX’s Finalize
feature to tighten up your mix before recording—
see the M-16DX Owner’s Manual for details. Your
DAW may also offer similar functionality you can
apply after recording if you prefer.
Arm and Record Your Track
Consult your DAW’s documentation to learn how to arm a track for recording,
and how to begin recording.
Playing Back Your Recording
Your DAW’s documentation will tell you how to disarm a track, and how to
play it back.
In the M-16DX, you listen to the main mix, which includes the DAW’s output
coming through Channel 13/14. (Make sure the channel’s USB button is lit.)
If you’re doing a multitrack session, you can add more tracks to your DAW
project by assigning the desired M-16DX input channels to them and then
recording the channels’ audio while listening to the live audio side-by-
side with your already-recorded tracks, as we discussed in “Zero-Latency
Monitoring” on Page 3.
The End
We hope you’ve found this workshop helpful. You’ll find other M-16DX
Workshop booklets available for downloading at
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